Friday, July 20, 2012

Skull and Bones Entertainment reviews David Atkins' Obituary

Obituary Review

Calling “Obituary” a page-turner is an understatement. To put it into perspective, I started reading it on a Friday morning, and was finished by Monday morning. As fast as I read, it still never seemed fast enough. Obituary gets into the suspense and thrill fairly quick and doesn’t seem to stop until the last page. I found myself constantly wanting to know what was going to happen next, which for me, is a sign of an excellent book.

Obituary tells the story of Jonathan Daniels, a writer living in Pennsylvania with his wife and children, whose life changes during a freak blizzard in November. Meanwhile, a copycat serial killer and legend in law enforcement are “lured to rural Pennsylvania by an evil that’s waited for its revenge for almost three decades.” This story will have your heart pounding right along with the characters in it, wondering what will happen next.
David is a truly talented writer; he is able to grab your attention almost instantaneously and keeps you hanging on to his every word until the very end. Even then you’re left thinking, “….wow….” There’s nothing worse than figuring out the ending to a story before you even reach the middle, with Obituary, this definitely was not the case. He has certainly found the balance between giving enough detail to allow you to visualize the scenes and characters he’s created, without giving so much detail that you end up bored. The characters he’s created in Obituary are both relatable, and at sometimes downright frightening. One such character was so creepy; he ended up in one of my dreams after a day of reading. Creating characters who stick with you is undoubtedly one of David’s talents. There were never any dull moments in the book, and just when you thought you might know what’s going on something else happened leaving you wondering how exactly this story was going to end. Once you reach the end, you will not be disappointed, trust me.
Overall, I truly enjoyed Obituary, and highly recommend it. I can be a somewhat picky reader, but David truly impressed me from the first page right on through to the last one. It’s refreshing to know there are still original and talented writers coming up in the horror genre, and I look forward to reading the next book David writes, I’m sure it will be just as good, if not better.

By: Ashley Maxey of Skull and Bones Entertainment

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